Thursday, September 13, 2007


Okay kids, the new school year has brought all kinds of craziness to our home. I've always worried about Jake's reading because I wasn't sure it was up to par. (Not to mention, I've always wondered if because he never crawled at all, he would have trouble with reading, as the old saying goes...) I made Carter and Jake read all summer long. Torture, I know. Carter hated every minute of it...but for bribes would do almost anything.

Anyhow, I took Bella in for speech therapy and she qualifies this year. She is very smart, according to the teacher, but delayed in speech development. Then there's Carter. He's been put in a reading intervention program to improve his reading. He didn't do very well on the testing they gave him and requires additional help. Jake, who I worried about, is just fine! This new school district requires a lot more from them than our previous district which puts my kiddies somewhat behind. Thankfully they're young and should catch up soon. I'm glad we moved now, not later.

Anyway, the whole point is, I never thought I would deal with school issues as a parent because school always came easy for me. I just took it for granted that it would come easy to my kids. I am learning a severe amount of patience right now. Have any of you ever listed to "Hop on Pop" read by a first grader that took 45 minutes? It is SHEER TORTURE! Since apparently patience is one thing I need to work on, I decided to join in on the potty training torture and see how that goes. Malia isn't acting ready, but neither did Bella, so we'll see how it goes. I HATE PATIENCE! It's a virtue and I GOT SKIPPED WHEN IT CAME MY WAY. So here's to learning the hard way!


Tamara said...

If you end up managing to discover where the elusive virtue of patience (which at this point I'm convinced isn't really real and is just made up for fairy tales and the like)is hiding, please let me know. I'm pretty sure it's under my couch cushions somewhere or growing on some rainforest tree in Brazil or something because try as I might, I sure haven't managed to find it. Good luck to you though.

Katie L. said...

I don't think girls who teach their daughters to say "damn" should make any comments on patience. Good Luck.

j-liz said...

It is nice that kids bounce back quick when they are young. I wish I had. Learning to read and potty training at the same time when your 30 just plain sucks!

The Queen said...

Diet Coke, my friend, Diet Coke. Emily, as I type, is laying on the ground in back of me throwing a temper tantrum because she can't go to Jared's house with James. *sigh*

The Queen said...

And Kate, c'mon, she's gotta learn it somewhere. Since I'm not there to teach her, who better than her own mother?? :)