Monday, September 3, 2007

Park City

The Colorado Lisonbee's just completed our last vacation of the summer. We went to Park City with Katie's family and friends and had a great time. Most of the vacation revolved around the boat, but there was still plenty of time for shopping at the outlets, playing the new Nintendo Wii (purchased especially for this trip), watching a few movies, playing with our month-old nephew, playing Hearts, and a couple of massages for the adults. Here are some highlights:

Tubing with Deb and uncle Joe:
In the words of Napolean, "I got like 3 feet of air on that one."
And my personal favorite, the rope swing hidden in the deepest cove of the lake. It took us the whole week to find it but it was worth it. It was so enticing in fact that even the pregnant lady couldn't turn down the 12-15 foot drop to the water.
Not to be shown up by anyone, Emma got in on the action too...4 times!
We had a great vacation but we are glad to be home. Next time we'll plan our massages for later in the week though. Too many of these can add up to a whole lot of Advil. If you look closely you'll see that my board is in the air which unfortunately for me meant that something else absorbed the impact.


Michelle said...

So, can I be a Colorado Lisonbee so I can get in on that action? I CAN'T BELIEVE KATE DID THE ROPE SWING. Are you insane?

Katie L. said...

Three times, it's the only thing a prego girl is allowed to do on vacation, because there is nobody around to stop you. It was really fun, actually. And for the record, Emma went first! And yes, I am certifiably insane. I'm hoping it's only temporary.

Tamara said...

Well, my hat is off to you. I don't think I could hold myself up on a rope swing let alone with a child tagging along for the ride. But way to toughen that child up before he is born. Man up, baby!