Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hook a brother up already!

OK you posting slackers ... what is up with the total radio silence for the last day or so. I mean what do you think I do here all day at work? Bill hours? Get serious! If somebody doesn't start posting some good reading material, I'm going to go nuts. No wisecracks about already being there. The hair may be gone, but the brain is still there (as evidenced by Stephanie's post). So, come on, what's new?

For starters, as the senior member of the siblings, let me just say that while I'm still quite a few years off approaching senior citizenry is not fun. I started working out a few days ago. I alternate between the bike and lifting/incline crunches the other day. OK, so I did my normal 3 sets of 10 crunches on the incline bench on the first day for that rotation. Then, about 3 days later I went to do it again and screamed mercilessly as I tried to do the first one (and several that followed that one). My stars that hurt. I mean seriously. What happened to the days when I could do 50 without even thinking twice. So, I thought, maybe I just need a few days to recover. So, today I tried again. Let's just say that apparently I'm still in recovery. It may be indefinite. So, for all y'all that are still in your 20s, enjoy it because mid-30s are not as fun. I can't wait until mid-40s, mid-50s, etc. Mom ... Dad ... how do you guys survive? Do they give permanent prescriptions for valium when you hit a certain age? If so, what age is that? I need something to look forward to. A light at the end of the tunnel. Preferably one that is not an oncoming train.


Michelle said...

Dale, seriously, speak for yourself. The 30's are good times. I've been doing the treadmill for years now and it's easier now that it ever was in my 20's...I'm guessing that it's because I take out all my aggression/anger/depression or whatever else I might be doing while I run. When I get done, it's all better. It's okay if I'm on the treadmill all day right?

Rick, on the other hand might disagree. He has been doing lots of manual labor lately. Last weekend it was rodotilling the yard...since he shaved his head and didn't wear a hat...he got a bit sunburned. He had to sleep with his neck propped up because it hurt too much to lay back on his head. So, he had a sunburned head and an extremely sore/numb set of arms and legs. Good times.

Tamara said...

I would just like to call everyone's attention to the fact that Daleums said "My stars!" Alalalal...dale made a funny bunny.

And as a side note, I did an hour of kick boxing (Coach, back me up that Kristy's Kickboxing will kick anybody's backside) and then went for a run immediately after/ That was a was Wednesdee before I could stand up and sit down without audibly groaning. 28 and already a geezer.

Katie L. said...

Don't worry Dale, I'm not even 30 yet and I can't do any sit-ups!