Monday, October 29, 2007

Alright alright...I'll come clean.

So... we started a blog. Adam's family doesn't have a blog that they could all check and when we moved from our old ward in Carrollton, a bunch of the girls that I was friends with had blogs too so I thought we'd start one of our own so that we weren't always bombarding you guys with our lame vacation pictures or stupid stuff that no one back home cares because frankly, I have a tendancy to ramble. So, anyway, if you guys want to check our blog, it's at Michelle, link us up to the fam blog if you feel so inclined.

As for the house pictures, I knew that Steph was about to post the Halloween pictures and I didn't want to post right on top of her kiddos.

Honestly and truly, I didn't want everyone to feel compelled to read up about and comment on our not so exciting life just because I felt like I wanted to write about it. So, check it if you want but I'll still post the good stuff, the really momentous stuff on the fam blog.


Dale said...

I think this blog is great. It gives all of us a central "meeting" place where we can all catch up with what is going on with each other. As one of those who happens to live farther away (despite our efforts to get closer a year or so ago), it is a great way to catch up.

I also think it's great that some of you have side blogs. It provides a chance to provide more detail for anyone that wants it but avoids dominating this blog, which I think is respectful. I was home teaching the other day and someone mentioned blogs in the context of journals. I know they are not exactly alike but it is a good forum for recording each individual family history too. So go for it for you that are not blognologically challenged like me.

I'm glad people use this thing because as the family grows, it is hard to keep up with everyone, so this is a great forum for doing that. I don't want to see us ever get so big that we lose the fun details of each other's families.

Tamara said...

I seriously agree. I love the blog and I love surfing my friends' blogs but I'd like to mention that as much as I enjoy stalking everyone I know via blogs, I love the fam blog best. it's just so much more real, uncensored and it's so great to get to hear how similar our very different lives all are.

Does anyone else want to hold hands and sing Kumbaya perhaps? or maybe love at home?

Katie L. said...

How about "We are a Happy Family" song? Bash is great at that one.