Wednesday, October 3, 2007

You know you're in Clovis when...

for cub scouts, you go to the high school FARM for entertainment. Oh yes, we did. The high school is about 1 1/2 miles from us and it is on the same campus as the elementary school. Who knew there was a full fledged freaking FARM ON THE CAMPUS. Seriously. The smell was just unbearable. The high school has the top ranking agricultural program in the state. The Clovis Future Farmers of America places highest in the state every year. If you attend the high school, you have the option of raising your own animal...pig, lamb, cow, horse, etc. and then selling it at the fair for a profit. So, while we were there, there were kids out taking their pigs for walks and a girl out jogging with her sheep. WHAT PLANET ARE WE ON? Who takes their pig for a jog on city streets? CRAZY stuff, I tell you. Those pigs are not just your cute little Wilbur pig either. They were huge. Some interesting facts we learned...pigs squeal as loud as jet engines. They can run a 7 minute mile. Captains of old ships used to keep a pig on board because they thought if they got lost, the pig would automatically swim to the nearest shore. The biggest pig ever was 9 feet long and over 2000 pounds. In the commercial market today, we use 80 percent of the pig for consumption. The longest sausage made was a mile long. (Maybe we could've used that for conference breakfast). When we came home, we smelled like the pig farm. It was in my hair, on my clothes, etc. and I DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH THEM!


Tamara said...

Love the picture of Jake plugging his nose. Classic.

The Queen said...

Are you kidding me????? I LOVE it!!! Forget the dog, get a pig!! lol

Matt and/or Lisa said...

I have some big expectations for your kids now, Michelle. You better start following up the "what do you want to be when you grow up" question with "what animal would you like to raise in high school."

See you at the state fair!


Katie L. said...

Love the pig facts, those will come in handy!

Dale said...

And they say Texas is redneck ...

Courtney said...

I must say I loved your comment Lisa. And to you Michelle...please teach your children to be in Clovis but not of Clovis. Remind them frequently of Valencia (you know that place with paved roads and people who walk dogs instead of pigs).

Stephanie said...

Even with a major ear ache going on, I laughed my head off while reading your post! So, thanks for that. The part about kids walking their pigs and jogging with sheep on city streets sounds like something out of a childrens book. I don't know why, just has that ring to it! VERY interesting facts though, those will come in useful when Brandon's class starts to learn about animals again. When the teacher wonders how he knows so much about pigs, he'll have to thank his cousins in Clovis for that!