Monday, October 15, 2007

Sometimes shutting down the freeway isn't so bad

This weekend, a major accident caused the freeway to be shut down so I decided to not battle the insane traffic this morning and play hookey. Hence, I got to be a "real mom" and take Aurora to Lombardi Ranch this afternoon. And here's the kicker, I'm posting this a mere 90 minutes after coming home. For me, that's a major feat. So even thought this isn't quite so exciting as birthing a baby like in the previous post, I'm just an einsey wiensey bit proud of myself. Happy Fall you guys!


Michelle said...

Aurora is the cutest little thing. I'm glad she's getting to enjoy Lombardi's with you! That is such a great place. And, pictures a mere 90 minutes later? I am very proud of you. Seriously, Aurora is adorable.

Lisa said...

She's so big!! And YOU are a big girl too - actually getting pictures from the camera to the computer to blog; I'm not sure I'll ever have it down!

Stephanie said...

She's such a pretty girl! I never realized before how much hair she has! Those pictures are great... don't ya just love fall?!!!

Katie L. said...

I haven't seen Aurora for so long, I can't believe how big she looks! And I love the ponytails, my friend Rachelle calls them "giraffe nubs" she's so cute!

Tamara said...

OK seriously it has been SO too long since I have seen my client... I mean niece. She is so big and let's not forget how DANG cute she is. I mean, her adorable wardrobe aside, her little face and hair are just too cute. I am dying.

And way to go for ditching work. That's what I'm talking about.

Courtney said...

I have the cutest neices and nephews ever. I miss baby Aurora. Last time I checked she gigled and slept, things still the same?