Friday, October 19, 2007

Poop Catastrophe Update

Welp, I've tried everyone's suggestions (thank you to everyone who has offered advice) and I'm convinced now that there is no possible way to "twin-proof" anything. I've come to the realization that I'm just going to have to deal with poop and whatever else comes our way. Ahhh, isn't life beautiful? I didn't realize how good I had it with Brandon - he was like a dream child compared to my two little terrors! Maybe I should've chosen two little devil costumes instead of the sweet innocent spring chickens for this years Halloween! Oh well... it's all part of the experience. Builds character is what I like to believe. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore having twins, but ohhhh man is it HARD work!!! Let's hope I don't end up in a mental institution. I fear that day may be closer than I think!


Dale said...

I second that. I, being the loving husband that I am, will be joining my wife in the loony bin until the twins turn 18. I may or may not come out at that time. I cannot say that we have tried overalls, but I think we have tried everything else. We didn't try a straightjacket either. Do they make those for 3 year olds?

So, as with the last time, I got a call on the way home from work to see if I could pick up some cleaning aids. I did. I got home to find a really nice surprise.

I'm sure you all remember watching Pepe LePeu as kids, right? Well, you know how that nice white line showed the progression of the "aroma"... Well, at my house, it was more like a green cloud. Fortunately, by the time I got home, most of the mushroom cloud had been absorbed and remediated by Stephanie. A heroic effort that must have been. So, I got home and was met by THE CLOUD. So, it beckoned me upward into the media room. I stumbled to the door, half drunk with the smell, and opened it to find the two little monsters. Then I turned to the door and saw the unmistakable marks left by the poop-smearing ladies. (I can't wait to tell this story on to their dates.) Anyway, out came the Lysol spray. Several trips to the bathroom later, the biohazard was successfully removed. Unfortunately, I think the aftermath of that Green Dawn with be with Stephanie and I for life. Steph, do you think we should just become professional janitors. I mean, if we have to clean up poop this often, we might as well get paid for it. Plus, at least then we'd have access to industrial strength cleaning supplies!

Tamara said...

Tee hee. Dale, Tell the story about poopies at Priesthood Session. That is the greatest!

Stephanie said...

I'm about to try out the overalls right now, so we'll see how this "nap time" goes... I'm guessing that Brooke will wiggle out of hers and then assist Brittany in getting hers off. Brooke is usually the master getter-offer. What's the priesthood session poop story? I seem to have forgotten - or maybe suppressed?

Dale said...

Oh, that one is actually a bit tame, but more embarrassing because it was much more public.

It goes something like this:

Sitting in Elders Quorum one Sunday morning (one of my first few back after I was released (from working with the young men, not from prison), one of the nursery leaders poked her head in. She was holding Brooke, so I walked over. Brook said "Poopies". The Nursery leader said, there you go (as in no further explanation required).

So, I picked up Brooke and took her out the car to get a diaper and wipes. So, then, I put her down and started walking down the long hallway to the bathroom.

Brooke, being the complete introvert that she is, oh wait, no she's not, gleefully chirped down the hall to anyone and everyone that would listen at the cadence of about every other step "Poopies! Poopies! Poopies!"

At which time, I whisked her away to the bathroom before I had to suffer any more humiliation.

Tamara said...

The blog just doesn't do it any justice. You all have to see Dale when he's doing his best Brooke impersonation. Brooke is a riot. Picture this little penguin (because she kinda waddles with her didey on)and the most cheerful just glee filled smile on the face of this little high pitched voice saying "poopies" at rapid speed as if she's showing off her latest accomplishment.

Michelle said...

One final recommendation from a friend of mine who has twins...crib tents. You bet. Just do it. Look them up on the internet. You won't be sorry.