Friday, October 26, 2007

This goes out to all you ladies...

So, you have to click on it so that it enlarges but once you give it a good read, it's priceless. It's an article from 1955 and all I have to say is I am up for wife of the year according to this baby. You girls too, right?


Dale said...

I should say it? You should say it.

OK, for Tammy and Stephanie, because you two will appreciate this more than anyone else ... two words come to mind when I read that.


Yep, "wifely duties."

Now, Adam, as soon as the ladies (or at least my lady) read those two magic words they both love so much that they are cross-stitching them on a giant quilt to hang on the wall, I may need to check in to hotel Tamadam. That is if you don't get kicked out too as a result of guilt by association.

Should that occur, I hear the cold front is supposed to break anytime so maybe we can camp out on Brandon's playset in the backyard.

Tamara said...

Do you guys remember that one time we had a brother named Dale...before I obliterated him?

Stephanie said...

Yeah, I remember that time I use to be married to some guy named Dale... ahhh, the memories! Oh well. :)

Stephanie said...

Ok, now for the real reaction. OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!! I can't believe Dale made me read that! This is how much I can't stand the whole "wifely duties" thing. Ok, so Tammy, you know I love you and enjoy reading any post that you put on here, but when I saw this one, I deliberately didn't enlarge the darn thing because I didn't want to have to go to the hospital for my blood pressure rising dangerously. Anyway, so when Dale came home he insisted that I read the article. I don't know what to say! Dale was standing over me as I was reading it and all I could do was scream and make faces intermittently. He was laughing but he should have been running. Let's just say that it's a good thing I wasn't a wife during the 1950's. I probably would have been in one of those feminist groups back then and hated by all men. That's just CRAZY! arrrgghh!