Tuesday, October 23, 2007

You know you want to be me...

The day begins at 7:00 AM with Carter acting like he's had a few too many Red Bull's already. After I get them breakfast (something different for everyone...)and out the door to catch the bus (then back in the door to get shoes and back out the door and back in the door to get backpacks), I run home to do the treadmill. I quickly (and I mean like 2 minutes or less) take a shower and make the house presentable for the 7 PRESCHOOLERS that arrived shortly after. Three hours of teaching preschool to four crazy boys and three girls, I throw some dinner in the crockpot, make some rice, and run out the door to pick the boys up early from school. Then, we run to the doctor for the first grade physical for Carter (two months late) only to find out he FAILED the hearing and vision tests. I could go on about that, but I'll just carry on. Then, since Carter's teacher only offers parent-teacher conferences at times when Rick is at work, I head off to the parent-teacher conference WITH the children. I find out Carter is doing okay but in need of some serious one-on-one attention in various subjects and will probably have to go to summer school. Meanwhile, Jake is eavesdropping on the entire conference even though he's supposed to be watching malia who, at this point, has managed to unload all the teacher's markers and color all over herself in purple dry erase marker. Lovely. Then, we run home only to find out the missionaries are already here waiting to be fed. GREAT. So, I throw dinner together, feed everybody, and Rick takes off (with the missionaries) leaving me, four children, homework, and bedtime routines. It is 7:00 by this point. Why do I chomp anti-depressants like they are candy? No idea. What is wrong with people. Why can't they understand that IT'S ALL ABOUT ME? Nobody gets it. So Courtney, definitely, you are mother of the year....Please share some of your secrets.


Courtney said...

My kids may flash their butts in pictures and carve male anatomy into pumpkins but I'm only incharge of them for one hour a week. So ya, my suggestion for you would be only be mom during FHE...it keeps things real simple.

Stephanie said...

WOW! What a crazy schedule! All I can say is, Michelle... YOU ROCK! and I thought I had it rough. Question for ya. Since when did you start teaching preschool?? You need some serious R&R. Another question for ya, totally off the subject. I'm getting ready to make the chick costumes. Any tips? Will I need to break out my sewing machine? (Please say no.) Or is it all hand-stitched? Any tips you have will be extremely helpful. I would email you with this question, but don't know your email address and it's too early there to call you.

Michelle said...

Steph...I'd break out the sewing machine. I don't really remember the details, but I remember having the sewing machine out...

Stephanie said...

hmmm... I think I'm going to need to call you. The words "sewing" and "machine" cause me great fear.

The Queen said...

Oh man, I thought my day was long. :)

Rickterscale said...

All right, don't complain about me taking off to go home teaching when I very specifically asked you if you would prefer that I do it another time, and you said no.