Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hello everybody. Meet Sarah Marie Lisonbee. She was welcomed into the world at 2:26am on October 30th. She weighed 8 pounds and 1 ounce. She is 19 inches long. Lisa did a great job with the labor. I only had 5 death threats...OK...not really. She pulled my hair a little one time and grabbed my shirt a little tight once, but she did great. It was not as bad as I was expecting...I know...easy for me to say. I mean from the dad perspective. I have a great respect for all of you women that have and will go through that. Birth is a miracle and especially for us to be here after so many appointments with the specialists telling us we might not make it to 24 weeks or 28 weeks. What a special experience. Thanks for all your prayers and support. I can't believe it, I'm a daddy.


The Queen said...

Oh my goodness her cheeks are so chunky!! She's adorable! Congrats you two! Way to go Lisa!

Tamara said...

Yay for new babies! Im so excited for you. I hope you guys can sneak down for just a little bit (or we can head up) over thanksgiving so I can see the little girl. I can't believe your a daddy either but at least you can say "whose your daddy" right?

Michelle said...

Yippee for pictures of the new Lisonbee baby girl...I can't wait to meet her.

Courtney said...

HOLY! Look at those cheeks! So precious, can't wait to see her in person! And Lisa, I heard about the no epidural and I think you are insanely amazing.

j-liz said...

those are some sweet cheeks. I can't wait for Nathan to chunk out. My favorite part about babies are chubby cheeks, double chins, wrist rolls and cankles. Congrats guys.

Katie L. said...

You guys are going to be naturals, I'm so excited to see the new parents in action. Congratulations!

Katie L. said...

P.S. Did you already take her home? What's she doing in her car seat? Lisa, did you even spend one night recovering at the hospital?

Stephanie said...

Lisa you are AMAZING!!! I just found out about the no medication/no epideral stuff tonight. That's impressive!!! How in the world did you do it??? and with your FIRST?! wow, you're truly amazing!

She's beautiful. Like everyone else, I'm inlove with those cheeks! Congrats, guys!

Dale said...

Look, we've had 3 kids and I haven't had an epidural or any anesthesia whatsoever and I'm fine. I don't see what the big deal is. I saved the demorol for Steph.

Lisa said...

So. I finally have made it to the computer. I knew I was going to be tired, but I didn't anticipate how totally consuming she (and my body) is. I can't imagine having any other child(ren) at home!
We got to go home on Tuesday evening 8ish. I did not want to stay overnight because it felt like I was already there for one night - and that was enough! As for pain management folks - I am not a rockstar (although I did demand that Matt call me one several times during labor). I just wanted to FEEL it at least once, and because you just never know when one time will be your last, it was now or never. And trust me. I FELT it. I'm still feeling it....which is why Matt picked up some Motrin on his way home from work. SO, that's what I have to say about mu supposed pain management. Anyway - like Matt says - that's for being such a great family to welcome her into! She was truly a group effort...