Friday, October 5, 2007


Alright, I try not to get too worked up about this but this is a family blog and I'll rant if I want to. So, I get my tired bones out of bed every festering morning to get to work "on time" but it seems the stars are stacked against me. Why is it that when I have left my house within a 15 minute window of the same time EVERY MORNING it took me 1.25 hours one day to get in to work, 1.0 the next day, 35 minutes the next day, 45 minutes the next day and then 1 hour and 5 minutes the today. WHY? For the love, can I not get to work on time? Does it even matter that I try to get here on time? I'm going to to say NO! And then why is it that no matter when Adam leaves every day, he gets there in a relatively predictable amount of time EVERY DAY?!! Do you understand how the stars are stacked against me? And for all of you braniacs out there who are going to say "why don't you just leave when Adam does?" well, thank you very much but a. I need to be there earlier and b. after Adam's exit, that's where the traffic starts to pile take that you "fixers" out there. I can't plan to be on time anywhere because even if I leave early enough to "beat traffic" some unlucky soul who also left that time to "beat traffic" had the unfortunate mishap of getting in an accident and so the rest of us early riser/ early leavers have, despite our best efforts, managed to land ourselves right in the middle of traffic rather than beating it and end up getting there later than if we'd left at regular time...(except of course on the days when I leave at "regular time" at which point there ends up being a seminar downtown and everybody who usually works in the suburbs and does not contribute to rush hour traffic has to be downtown the same time I do that day - true story, actually happened). Well, all I have to say is I could live in LA for the traffic I put up with, and at least I'd have the beach and you guys close by to show for it. BOOOOO TRAFFIC!


The Queen said...

Ugh. I hate traffic.

Stephanie said...

For the first time in a long time (9 years), I realized what you morning commuters go through. Whenever I need to go somewhere, I always try to avoid morning traffic and end of day traffic and being a SAHM, I never realized what a luxury that is until a day about two weeks ago when I had to go for a doctor appointment that started at 8 a.m. Anyway, driving there was a nightmare - traffic like you wouldn't believe and me, being a naive mom who isn't part of the working world, was in shock with this new universe I was thrusted into that morning. I couldn't believe how much of a pain it was just to go about ten miles to get to my destination. On top of that, just in one morning, I had a lady yell at me and a guy give me the bird, was honked at and people cut me off and practically cause a car accident - it was like everyone in the entire world was in a bad mood that morning. I really just wanted to cry. Then I realized that most of the drivers around me were in a rotten mood. (I'm not saying all morning drivers are especially one's named Tammy, Dale, Adam, etc), but anyhow I found myself being extra thankful that I don't HAVE to be a part of that totally different world than what I'm use too. For the first time in a long time, I was thankful to be in my own little safe bubble apart from the world of rush hour traffic. I feel for you, Tams. I know first hand that getting to work or any destination at that time in the morning is a job in itself!

Carrie L said...

Amen to that! It took me 2 1/2 hours on Tuesday. I've totally given up ever being to work on time because when I leave early, I get there at the same time. I had no idea traffic was so bad in Dallas. I think you should just move back and sit in traffic with the rest of Sunny CA.

Michelle said... need a "calm Tammy" dance. Christina Bond does this dance where she flaps her arms like a bird, moves her feet, and says "Calm mommy, calm mommy..." I think you should incorporate something similar, possibly something that you could do while driving. May I also suggest a book on c.d. Rick likes those a lot. But, my biggest, most brillant idea goes for all of you. MOVE TO CLOVIS. THERE IS NO TRAFFIC. It is a beautiful thing, I tell you.

Courtney said...

No no, she's got a point. About the Clovis part, I don't know where she's going with the "calm mommy dance" thing. Clovis is traffic free, it also happens to have pigs attatched to leashes roaming around their streets...but no traffic!

Katie L. said...

I'm with Stephanie, I vote for a job change. It is a beautiful thing to get to choose your driving, shopping, exercising (assuming I do that of course) hours for times when the crowds are small. A definite perk of being a mom--of course, I can also think of a couple major drawbacks which I will spare you tonight.

j-liz said...

Don't be so dramatic Audry. I mean its (not the) holidays and we're all in misery.

Except of course for those of us who can leave at anytime we want and be at work in 15-20 minutes. A-la-la-la.

Since I was released from Scouts a few weeks ago I have a really nice air matress that is not in use. You could set up in your office and forget all about the morning rush.