Wednesday, October 17, 2007

True love...

Overheard as the kids were setting the table last night.
Carter: Bella, you sit here right by mom.
Bella: How bout if I sit here by Dad.
Carter: No, you're sitting here by mom.
Bella: I want to sit by Dad because he's my true love.


The Queen said...


Courtney said...

This is nothing to be concerned about. This is what Freaud would call the Phallic stage of Bella's development. Ages 3-6 children develop a crush on their opposite sex parent, and in attempt to win that parent over, develop traits of the same sex parent.

What? I'm not in a Child Development course...I didn't just take an exam on early Child Development theories...

Lisa said...

In other words...beware of Bella trying to copy you exactly so she can STEAL YOUR MAN!!!

Katie L. said...
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Katie L. said...

I think it's annoying you can't edit your posts, but I'll try again.
LISA! I haven't seen you post for a while, still got that tummy? Don't worry, I do too. Camille shoved a hand in my gut yesterday and said I still looked like I had a baby in there. Thank you very much Miss Lippy!

Tamara said...

Coach, well said. I mean, I couldn't have said it better myself. Actually I couldn't have said it at all myself. While you're studying something useful like...well...human beings, I went ahead and spent my days in pursuit of some philosophical pearl hidden in the recesses of politics. Who's idea was THAT!

Meanwhile, all you moms need to keep the kid quotes coming. They're priceless!

Lisa said...

Katie - I got to go to the temple two days ago and in the dressing room, a worker seriously came up to me, asked if this was my first and then said, "You need to get a book called 'Lose your Mommy Tummy' and then, after you deliver, take the widest belt you can find and cinch it around yourself as tight as you can. All those exercises we think will help after childbirth might actually hurt us...." Trust me, I summarized this one-sided conversation for you, and I wished that I had the courage to say something about how I already HAD my baby and this was just leftovers, etc. The sad part is, I think I might actually want to check out the book at the library....

Oh yeah, so I'm still pregnant, and have been totally fine with it, but for the last two days I have been exhausted. Completely. I don't think this feeling will be too fun for too long!

Stephanie said...

completely exhausted? I can relate to that. I just want to go to sleep and wake up when the girls are 5. That's how I feel right this second.