Saturday, October 20, 2007


Last night I was thinking about writing a poem for Tammy's birthday to post on the blog. I could only think of two really cheesy lines (I will spare you). I thought I would try again this morning, but I have come to the realization that my brain is just not working like it used to . . . will it ever come back?

But enough about me - let's talk about Tammy. I really can't say enough about the girl, seeing as how she pretty much hooked me up with Mr. Amazing. I know her mostly from our days at law school, so I will report on THAT, and you fellow Tammy-lovers can comment on the other happier times of life. Everybody from law school likes Tammy; she is bright, energetic, friendly, talented and apparently always had treats somewhere in her desk. She always looked really really pretty too. And THEN, there's the way she made everyone laugh. I might still have a bruise from biting my lip hard enough to not laugh at her IM's to me during estate planning class. Oh ya, and she is also good with people, their feelings, remembering important things, etc. (This list is in no particular order - remember my brain problems.)

So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tamara (or Tammy, since I'm a now part of the family...).
Hope you had a great day!


PS Can you post a picture of the llama with the mullet?


Michelle said...

H.B.D. Tamalada. I thought of you several times today, but I thought best to wait til I was half delirious tonight. I'm a better conversation when I'm tipsy, if you know what I mean. Anyway, happy birthdee. My kids are sad you're not here now. They can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving...looks like we'll all be one hap, hap, happy family for the holidays. You want something to be proud of right Clark?

The Queen said...

Wow, what a great day to have a birthday, on the day the Bruins beat the Bears! Gotta love that. Happy birthday. Here's to getting older and fatt.. uh, I mean wiser.

j-liz said...

Happy Birthday Slammy, Slam-Dance, Tamarama Ding Dong, Sherm...

Courtney said...

I was just thinking that my last "Top 20 Thing I Will Miss About Tammy" list was a little outdated. Unfortunately I should be re-reading half the Book of Mormon for an upcoming test right now so I can't post 20, but I will share with you 10.

10.Having someone to get sloshed with and make green rice krispie treats on St. Patricks day.

9. Sunday Dinner -

8. Rice Pudding.

7. Visiting you at your carrol (sp?) at the Law School and leaving you 10 post-it long notes when you weren't there.

6. Your mixed cd's.

5. Thai food, you knew just what to order.

4. Kristi's kick-boxing class (actually I hated the class because it made me want to lay down and die but I miss that we could go together.

3. Having someone to cater to my needs better than any boyfriend and/or husband will like when you held my hand and told me a story to distract me the first time I gave blood.

2. Sleep-overs which brings me too...

1. Felicity

This is just a rough draft, but you get the idea.