Monday, October 22, 2007

FHE Mom of the Year

This is me and my husband at last week's pumpkin carving FHE. Yes, that guy behind me is flashing his butt...sometimes my kids make me so proud!

Some of our group crowded in one of Belmont's tiny livingrooms. So you probably thought the guy flashing his bum was stupid but I hate to say it gets worse...much worse. The first completed pumpkin of the night had male anatomy carved into it... I'm telling you people, Belmont is where you find the quality guys. You'll be happy to know though that none of my dates have been from my ward let alone my complex.

Me and some of my kids showing off our masterpieces at this week's sugar cookie frosting FHE.

You know those days when nothing seems to go right? Such as when you don't sleep the night before and then you spend twelve hours on campus and then you come home and accidently park in the spot next to yours and come back hours later to find it towed....days like those... Typically in such a circumstance I decide that it would be better for me to stay in bed for a week then get up and face another hellacious day like the one I just had. Thankfully though, I usually wake up the next morning naively convinced that it couldn't possibly get any worse and sometimes it doesn't, sometimes I have days like today. Today I woke up at the crack of dawn, cranked out 5 2 page papers that are due tomorrow, baked sugar cookies that we decorated tonight at FHE, cleaned my house so I wouldn't be embarrassed when everyone came over, studied for my Human Development test and blew that baby out of the freaking water! Then I got to come home and have another successful FHE. Point of the story is...I'm a freaking awesome FHE mom. It turns out that actually wasn't the point of the story, but I just thought I'd throw that in there. The real point is that it was really cool for me to see how making my calling a priority helped everything else run a little smoother.


Michelle said...

Oh make me so proud. Nice fhe group, by the way. Looks like good times. At least they're not boring!

Stephanie said...

Looks like a lot of fun! I think it's exciting that you're able to have such awesome experiences there at BYU! Looks like a fun group of people. Oh yeah, and did you realize how much you look like Tammy in that bottom picture? (no, not the one with the bottom showing, but the last picture, I should've worded that better. I could of just deleted that sentence and started over, but thought once it was on there and I realized what it said and with the picture of the naked bum together could be taken the wrong way, I thought... what the heck, made me laugh.) Ok, I'm rambling. ANYHOO... yes, you and Tammy are starting to look A LOT alike!

Stephanie said...

hmm, I think I need to change the time clock on my computer. It says I posted at 5:46 a.m... it's really 7:46, so no worries. I may be a night owl, but not that insane.

Tamara said...

She didn't mean it, Coach. You're pretty.

Sorry about A Boy Named Opal getting towed. That's hard times.

Lisa said...

FHE Mom was one of the worst callings I ever ever ever had - maybe the worst. And so - I am VERY PROUD that you are the best ever. It doesn't come easy....

Lisa said...
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Katie L. said...

What are you talking about, FHE mom is the best! That's how I snagged Justin by the way...